A laid-back, free-spirited type, Ashleigh Rae doesn't care what others think and does whatever she likes, whenever she likes. I'd tell you what a typical night out is like for me, but it's really pretty naughty,
giggles Ashleigh. When I go out, you could say that I like to do a little dirty dancing.
A first-timer on Playboy Plus, Ashleigh was a little nervous to pose nude, but a trip to Mexico with Cassandra Keyes definitely helped her get over the minor anxiety. So far, I've really enjoyed posing nude,
says Ashleigh. It's my first time and it's exhilarating. What a boost of self-confidence!
Glad to be of help, Ashleigh, and welcome to Playboy Plus! Join Playboy Plus now to Watch the Full length Video!