Female empowerment to me means uplifting other women, supporting their endeavors, and letting women know it's okay to be sexual beings without being judged,
says newcomer Brookliyn Wren. On location of a cozy cabin with photographer Sophia Sinclair, Brookliyn is proud to make her Playboy Plus debut today. It has been great,
she says of her time on set. I'm excited to be a part of it.
This pictorial isn't too far off from what Brookliyn does when she's not working. I'm a major homebody,
she shares. My personality is very laid back. I prefer to do chill things rather than go out.
When she does have downtown like this, she loves to hang out with a good book. I'm an avid reader,
she says. I have a book with me at all times. If someone offered to take me to a bookstore on a first date, I'd probably marry him,
she adds with a laugh. Stay tuned for more from Brookliyn on Playboy Plus! Join Playboy Plus now to Watch the Full length Video!